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The kubernetes config type scrapes the configurations of your Kubernetes resources as specified with the fields; namespace, selector, fieldSelector and more.

kind: ScrapeConfig
name: kubernetes-scraper
- clusterName: local-kind-cluster
- Secret
- ReplicaSet
- APIService
- customresourcedefinition
- controllerrevision
- certificaterequest
- SuccessfulCreate
- Created
- DNSConfigForming
- failed
- error
- backoff
- nodeoutofmemory


logLevelSpecify the level of logging.string
scheduleSpecify the interval to scrape in cron format. Defaults to every 60 minutes.string
fullSet to true to extract changes from scraped configurations. Defaults to false.bool
retentionSettings for retaining changes, analysis and scraped itemsRetention
kubernetesSpecifies the list of Kubernetes configurations to scrape.[]Kubernetes


idA static value or JSONPath expression to use as the ID for the resource.string
nameA static value or JSONPath expression to use as the Name for the resource. Default value is the id.string
itemsA JSONPath expression to use to extract individual items from the resourcestring
typeA static value or JSONPath expression to use as the type for the resource.string
transformSpecify field to transform resultTransform
formatFormat of config item, defaults to JSON, available options are JSONstring
timestampFormatTimestampFormat is a Go time format string used to parse timestamps in createFields and DeletedFields. If not specified, the default is RFC3339.string
createFieldsCreateFields is a list of JSONPath expression used to identify the created time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used[]string
deleteFieldsDeleteFields is a JSONPath expression used to identify the deleted time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used[]string
clusterNameSpecify cluster namestring
namespaceSpecify namespace for scraping of Kubernetes resourcesstring
useCacheSpecify boolean value to toggle fetching results from Kube-apiserver or fetch response from etcdbool
scopeSpecify scope for scrape. e.g cluster for scraping at Cluster levelstring
sinceSet time constraint for scraping resources within the set periodstring
selectorSpecify Kubernetes resource to scrape based on selector. e.g matchLabelsstring
fieldSelectorSpecify Kubernetes resource based on value of resource fields. e.g status.Phase=Runningstring
exclusionsSpecify Kubernetes resources to be excluded from scraping[]string
kubeconfigSpecify kubeconfig for access to your Kubernetes Cluster[]EnvVar
eventSpecify configuration to handle Kubernetes events.Event
relationshipsCreate relationships between kubernetes objects.[]Relationship


Config DB maps Kubernetes Event objects to config changes unlike other objects that are mapped to config items. This configuration allows you to exclude or include the Kubernetes Event objects based on the reason.

In addition, you can also specify keywords used to identify the severity of the Kubernetes Event based on the reason.

exclusionsA list of keywords used to exclude event objects based on the reason[]string
severityKeywordsSpecify keywords used to identify the severity of the Kubernetes Event based on the reasonSeverityKeywords


warnA list of keywords used to identify a warning severity from the reason. It could also be a match pattern: example "*" to match all or "!badword" to exclude "badword"[]string
errorSame as warn but used to map to error severity.[]string

Kubernetes Relationship

You can create relationships between kubernetes objects on the basis of kind, name and labels. While relationships between node and pod, deployment and pod, namespace and deployment are created automatically, there are cases where we want to link objects on the basis of metadata (like linking resources created by a flux object to it). See Example.

We support static values, expressions and label lookups to find the parent

kindkind of Kubernetes ObjectRelationshipLookuptrue
namename of Kubernetes ObjectRelationshipLookuptrue
namespacenamespace of Kubernetes ObjectRelationshipLookuptrue

Relationship Lookup

RelationshipLookup offers different ways to specify a lookup value

exprUse an expression to get the valuestring
valueSpecify a static valuestring
labelGet the value from a labelstring